The News only Poetry Tells: Register Now for the Final Online Poetry Masterclass of 2020
The third series of my online poetry masterclass, What the Light Tells, begins on Monday evening 16 November (Australian East Coast Summer Time) and runs, through six sessions, till the week of Christmas. A second stream runs on Wednesday mornings, from 18 November (Tuesday evenings, from 17 November, in the US and Canada). Give yourself this gift. Steep yourself in poetry for Christmas. These are viral times, in which shrillness abounds and decency seems to have taken flight. Let this masterclass be a virtuous kind of super-spreader event, a lyric kind of fighting back, now that hope and history have chosen again to rhyme (to riff on Seamus Heaney). There is some news only poetry tells. That news is how it feels and what it means to lead a human life, an infinity incarnate in human form on this good, true earth, for a short span of years, and how to lead that life with grace. Come, workshop the craft that gets that kind of news divined and told so it stays told; come, deepen your craft with writers of all levels of experience from around the world. Come learn how good poems are made. Register here on my website.